I am an Experimental Physicist with a PhD from
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
France and
Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
I have worked in fracture of thin sheets, Colloidal suspensions, and Friction & Contact mechanics.
Currently, I am a starting faculty at the
ELAN team
INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
working in problems in soft matter and extreme mechanics in collaboration with
Laboratoire Jean Le Rond ∂'Alembert
in Paris.
For a detailed resume please check the links below:
J. Jouve, V. Romero, R. Narain, L. Boissieux, T. Kim & F. Bertails-Descoubes. Modelling a feather as a strongly anisotropic elastic shell. ACM proceedings of siggraph North America (2024).
— [Conference] [PDF] [HAL]
D. Jourdan, V. Romero, E. Vouga, A. Bousseau & M. Skouras. Simulation of printed-on-fabric assemblies. ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication (2022).
— [Conference] [PDF] [HAL]
V. Romero, M. LY, A. H. Rasheed, R. Charrondière, A. Lazarus, S. Neukirch & F. Bertails-Descoubes. Physical validation of simulators in computer graphics: a new framework dedicated to slender elastic structures and frictional contact. ACM Trans. Graph. 40, 4, Article 66, (2021).
— [Conference] [PDF | Paper site] [HAL]
Oral presentation. A. H. Rasheed, V. Romero, F. Bertails-Descoubes, S. Wuhrer, J. S. Franco & A. Lazarus. Learning to Measurethe Static Friction Coefficient in Cloth Contact. IEEE CVPR (2020)
— [Conference] [PDF] [HAL]
R. Charrondière, F. Bertails-Descoubes, S. Neukirch & V. Romero. Modélisation numérique de rubans en éléments de haut degré. Journées Françaises d'Informatique Graphique et de Réalité Virtuelle, Marseille, France. pp.1-7 (2019). Best paper award at AFIG-EGFR 2019.
— [Conference] [PDF] [HAL]
F. Bertails-Descoubes, A. Derouet-Jourdan, V. Romero & A. Lazarus. Inverse design of an isotropic suspended Kirchhoff rod: theoretical and numerical results on the uniqueness of the natural shape. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 474(2212), 20170837-27 (2018).
— [Journal] [PDF] [HAL]
LU3ME111: is an optional module in mechanics for L3 students at Sorbonne University. Five sessions experimental course (20 hours):
— With Arnaud LAZARUS
- Session 1: Young's modulus measurements by uniaxial traction.
- Session 2: Young's modulus measurements by deflection of an horizontal beam under its own weight.
- Session 3: Young's modulus measurements by the elastic vibration of a vertical beam.
- Session 4: Scaling law for the buckling instability of a vertical beam.
- Session 5: Hertz's law of sphere-plane contact.
ABAQUS : is a final term project that is proposed to 10/15 Master students (1st year) at Sorbonne University. Four projects to be developed in ABAQUS for plates and rods:
- Project 1: Cantilever, deflection of a beam under its own weight.
- Project 2: Bend-twist instability for curly rods.
- Project 3: Lateral buckling of a wide plate.
- Project 4: Stick-slip of a compressed ribbon.
PHY405(2022): Exercises for electromagnetism and optics for L2 students in chemestry at Grenoble-Alpes University(33 hours):
— With Gabriel SEYFARTH
- Unit 1: Electrostatics.
- Unit 2: Magnetostatic and kinetics.
- Unit 3: Electromagnetic/optical waves and applications to chemistry.
PHY405 (2023): Exercises for electromagnetism and optics for L2 students in chemestry at Grenoble-Alpes University (33 hours):
— With Pierre TOULEMONDE and Christophe RAMBAUD
- Unit 1: Electrostatics.
- Unit 2: Magnetostatic and kinetics.
- Unit 3: Electromagnetism.
PHY405 (2024): Exercises for electromagnetism and optics for L2 students in chemestry at Grenoble-Alpes University (33 hours):
— With Pierre TOULEMONDE
- Unit 1: Electrostatics.
- Unit 2: Magnetostatic and kinetics.
- Unit 3: Electromagnetism.